Reaching Out to Families

The beginning of school is still a week away and since I don’t need to spend any more time on classroom set-up, I have decided to instead invest my time building a strong foundation for relationships with the parents of my students.

I want the parents of my students to know they are an important part of this learning community. I want the parents of my students to know that I value and respect their input and perspective about their child’s education. I want the parents of my students to know their voices matter and are welcome.

As usual, I sent an initial email home to parents introducing myself. But this year I also decided to share the same information via a YouTube video to hopefully reach those parents who are unable to read English or who prefer millennial forms of communication.

Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 4.27.36 PM

In this email/video I invited the parents to schedule a pre-school year, informal, get-to-know-you style meeting with me, where we can discuss their hopes, dreams, goals and fears for the upcoming year. If parents are unavailable to meet face-to-face I also offered options to schedule a phone call or complete a Google Form.

Whatever the method, I am hoping to ask the following things:

  1. What would you like me to know about your child?
  2. What are your hopes for your son/daughter this year?
  3. What do you need from me to support those hopes?
  4. Is there anything you are nervous or worried about this year?
  5. Is there anything you would like me to know?

I’m not sure how many families will take me up on my offer, but I hope most – if not all – do! I think this would be a great way to start the year as a team and I think this will help  me get to know my new students better.

I’m optimistic that this will be a much more rewarding use of my time the week before school starts than decorating the classroom ever was…

Wish me luck!

5 thoughts on “Reaching Out to Families

  1. You are amazing – what a lucky group of parents (and students)! What a wonderful idea to communicate in a variety of ways with parents. I wondered how the YouTube videos were received? Did parents find them useful?
    Thank you for your inspiration!


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