Parent Report Cards

For years I’ve asked my students to write progress reports about how I’m doing as their teacher, but I’ve never thought to ask my students’ parents for their feedback as well.

…until this year!

One of my goals, heading back into the classroom, was to create more of a learning community that involved, valued and respected the parents’ voice. So as part of that goal, I asked the parents to write a short report card for me about how I’m doing so far as their son or daughter’s teacher.

In order to collect their feedback I used the Visible Thinking RoutineCompass Points” and created a Google form where they could share their honest feedback.


I’m so glad I asked! I learned tons of valuable information and had much to reflect on in order to improve:









It was such an enriching experience that I’m looking forward to going through this process again later in the year, hopefully improving in the areas identified in this round of feedback and then finding new ways to improve even more!